Who am I?

Radhika Sophie Shiloh

A facilitator of intimacy and sexuality in the Tantra way

Nice to Meet You

שמי ראדיקה ואני מלווה ומדריכה לחיבור מחדש אל הגוף, לחיות את החיים בעוצמה ובאותנטיות.

I guide women, men, and couples on the entire gender spectrum and of any sexual preference who experience various challenges in the field of sexuality, intimacy, and relationships. Also, couples and individuals who want to learn and deepen intimacy and sexual pleasure, and in general - to reconnect with the body and emotions.

I invite everyone who believes it's time to break old patterns, let go of feelings of shame, guilt, and fear surrounding sexuality, and embrace healthy and fulfilling sexuality and self-love.

ראדיקה סופי מנחת טנטרה

I specialize in the following topics

"Love is the goal, life is the journey"


I believe that everyone has the right to enjoy healthy sexuality and a life of passion and freedom. Healthy sexuality is a part of life and an energy in itself - life energy, passion, and creativity. Unfortunately, sometimes, past experiences and traumas affect this fundamental right. Also, patterns of shame, feelings of guilt, and fear surrounding sexuality accompany most of us from a young age and affect sexual function, the ability to experience pleasure, and the possibility of experiencing healthy and good relationships.

There are three main areas I focus on in my practice, which always intertwine in the process:


The normal functioning of the physical systems is necessary for healthy sexual function.

This can help with issues like premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, difficulty reaching orgasm, lack of sexual pleasure, pain during penetration, intimacy problems in a relationship, challenges in expressing needs, and being open to vulnerability.


Connection. Learning to live and accept with love what is here and now, in the body and emotions, releasing recurring patterns that harm relationships such as: excessive dependency on a partner, obsessiveness, people-pleasing, using sexuality as a tool, and more. Learning the art of love to become better lovers to ourselves and others.


The ability to transform sexual energy created in the body into spiritual energy (Tantra), involves deep work with the body and the mind to free oneself from patterns and beliefs that hold us back.

Education and professional training

B.A. in Special Education and East Asian Studies - Tel Aviv University

Didactic Diagnostician Certificate - Beit Berl College

Animal-Assisted Therapy - Seminar Hakibbutzim

Osho Meditations at Ashram in the Desert

Facilitating Women's Circles - Michal Maayan Don

Tantra and Abundance, Sacred Sexuality Retreat - Nirvan Lev

Sexual Healing Processes - Nirvan, Shahar Caspi, Arminta Barbour

Temple Arts - Ohad and Don Ezerahi

  • ISTA - International School of Temple Arts levels 1,2,3, Apprenticeship
  • Working with Sexual Energy - Lawrence Lanoff
  • Traditional Tibetan Tantra Studies (Art of the Dakini) - Boaz Sofer
  • Sexuality Education Studies, an open door - The Israeli Family Planning Association

  • Instructor using the M.A.R.G. method - sexuality, love, emotion, body (Sujay Shemesh)
  • TBD Armor Removal Energetic Orgasm and Treatment of Functional Difficulties - In-Depth Course with Andrew Barnes
  • "The body remembers" - working with trauma. Gopnefesh College, Ramat Hasharon
  • Certified teacher of Tantra Yoga - traditional Tantra ("Tantra Marga" - Naama Hanegbi)
  • Womb Massage and Orgasmic Pelvic Floor Workshop (Ayelet Sela-Harari)
  • טיפול זוגי בשילוב מיינדפולנס, "זוגיות בפשטות" (שחר ארז)
  • Healing Attachment Patterns - Advanced Course with Ruth Ben Asher
  • "בגוף אני מבריאה" יוגה רגישה לטראומה (יוגה תרפיה, ד"ר יעל עידן)
  • "תרפיית המפגש"- ליווי לזוגיות במשבר, אינטנסיב (הדי שלייפר, מורה: אשיה אגסי)

פודקאסטים על מיניות וטנטרה

You are welcome to listen to interviews and podcasts

קצת חוששת? מתלבטת אם זה בשבילך?

אני כאן כדי לענות על כל שאלה ולעזור לך להרגיש בנוח
