Tantra as a Way of Life

If you ask ten different people, "What is Tantra?" you might get ten different answers 🙂. There are many types of Tantra, with many layers and many aspects.

So, what came to your mind when you read the word "Tantra" in the event title?

We are in a new age, and many ancient teachings and traditions, both near and far, that were once considered secret and taught only to the chosen few deemed worthy are now being revealed and taught to anyone interested.

If you ask ten different people, "What is Tantra?" you might get ten different answers 🙂. There are many types of Tantra, with many layers and many aspects.

Usually, when people hear "Tantra," they refer to specific sexual practices. This is true, but not only. For me, Tantra has become a way of life.

If I were asked to explain "the entire philosophy in a nutshell," I would say that Tantra is about being present, in the moment.

From there, we can talk about everything...

  • So, what exactly is Tantra?
  • Where did it come from? And why?
  • How is it related to behavioral patterns and sexual habits?
  • How can tantric practice help us overcome and move past patterns of fear of intimacy, dependency in relationships, boredom in the bedroom, patterns of people-pleasing, and more...
  • And what is "full-body orgasm"?...

In this evening session, I will try to answer these questions, explain the connection between Tantra and spirituality, and discuss Tantra as a way of life. Additionally, we will practice a unique tantric breath technique that helps disperse and transform sexual energy. And... if there is time, I will answer questions 🙂

I look forward to seeing you!

ראדיקה. מנחה לטנטרה ומיניות מודעת
Radhika Sophie

Tantra and conscious sexuality facilitator

טופס הרשמה

מעניין אותך לשמוע עוד פרטים בשיחה? שלחי את הטופס ואחזור אליך לפרטים והרשמה
