What is Tantra?

Tantra is an ancient tradition thousands of years old, based on physical practice as a foundation for spiritual practice. Here are some basic concepts in Tantra

If you ask people randomly what Tantra is, you will get many different answers

Most of the answers will be based on rumors and half-truths, and most will include the word 'sex.' So, I am here to clarify things, explain some basic concepts in Tantra, and start with a few fundamentals


These are energy centers. We usually talk about seven centers in the human body (these are the main centers; there are more and outside the body).

The chakras are arranged along The central energy channel.The first chakra called the base chakra, is located in the perineum (the area between the anus and the genitals). The second chakra is slightly above the pubic bone. The third chakra is in the navel (in some traditions, it's located in the area of the "solar plexus" - the area of the diaphragm), the fourth chakra, known as the "heart," is in the center of the chest, the fifth chakra is in the throat, the sixth chakra, also known as the "third eye," is located in the center of the forehead. The seventh chakra, known as the "crown," is at the top of the head.

Each energy center is responsible for a part of the body and its energetic functions. Expansion on the chakras - in a separate article.


Kundalini energy is very important, and a large part of tantric practice is designed to awaken it. It is the energy of life.

In the tradition, the energy is often described as a snake (ouchsha...) lying coiled at the bottom of the spine. When the kundalini energy is awakened, the snake crawls up the avenue to the crown.

The awakening of the Kundalini is a powerful physical, energetic, and spiritual experience, and it is highly recommended that everyone accompanied by a qualified teacher practices everything related to it.

Shiva and Shakti

God and Goddess are part of the pantheon of gods from Indian mythology. Shiva is the "destroying" god, and Shakti is his partner.

In the tantric practice ( especially in_Neo-Tantra_in the new Tantra (as opposed to traditional Tantra), it is customary to treat Shiva as representing male energy and Shakti as female energy.


Sanskrit is the ancient Indian language in which the ancient Indian scripts are written. All concepts in the Tantra world are in Sanskrit, including the names of the yoga poses and mantras and "sannyasins" (those strange names of the Tantra teachers, like Radhika...).


Transmutation of energy (from the word "Tamir" - high, to raise energy from the lower to the upper chakras). The central part of tantric practice. Tantra is a spiritual practice.

Every tantric practice - whether it is meditation or yoga, whether it is a ritual or whether it is a practice through sexual energy - is designed to bring us to a sense of spiritual ascension and connection with "the one," transcendence((Samadhi- in Sanskrit).

So what is Tantra?

Spiritual practice. The word itself has several meanings. One is "union" or "weave," which refers to the feeling we reach in tantric practice when we transform energy: a sense of unity with all that is.

Another meaning is expansion and release. In tantric practice, we learn to expand our bodies (according to traditional Tantra, there are seven bodies: the physical, energetic, emotional, and consciousness bodies).

When we expand our bodies, we learn to let go of what we don't need, freeing ourselves and experiencing a sense of release and freedom.

Tantra is also a "method," a way, and even a scientific way. It has been practiced and worked for thousands of years, and those who walk the path can testify to experiences of connection, transcendence, and liberation. In the traditional way of Tantra, based on tradition and ancient writings, one can deepen and learn through a lifetime of practice.

So, what does this have to do with sex?

Sexual-tantric practice is only a tiny part of Tantra's world, including meditations, yoga, rituals, reading ancient writings, mantras, and more...

Sexual practice became prominent in Tantric practice mainly thanks to the work of Osho, who brought the spiritual practice to the West in a modern interpretation and reached millions of people worldwide. Part of the practice is the "Neo-Tantra"—the new Tantra.

Osho's practices include dozens of types of active meditation, Tantra therapy, and many other therapies, including sexual practices.

Osho is not the only one, nor the first, to work with sexual practices. These practices are found in traditional Indian, Tibetan, and Tao tantric traditions.

The basis of the sexual practice is the transformation of energy and the understanding that with the help of sexual energy, it is possible to reach a sense of unity (samadhi) and also to bring healing to the various bodies, mainly by the flow of energy and the opening of the chakras.

And all of this is pretty much in a nutshell.

With love Radhika Sophie Tantra and conscious sexuality facilitator

ראדיקה. מנחה לטנטרה ומיניות מודעת
Radhika Sophie

Tantra and conscious sexuality facilitator

טופס הרשמה

מעניין אותך לשמוע עוד פרטים בשיחה? שלחי את הטופס ואחזור אליך לפרטים והרשמה
